Ninety-three percent of potential customers read online reviews when deciding to do business with a firm. Getting more positive online reviews will improve your “star rating” across the major review websites and increase the chance someone will do business with you. It will also dilute any negative reviews that would discourage people from reaching out to you. If you already have a five-star rating, then it’s important to protect and maintain that unblemished record. Statistics show that potential customers give more weight to more recent reviews, within one month, than older reviews. So it's important to implement an ongoing reputation management program to keep those reviews fresh.

Seventy-four percent of customers say they will not work with a business with poor reviews. It’s important to have a simple, automated system to monitor and filter out negative reviews before they are posted online. Additionally, this will allow you to uncover and address internal customer service issues helping to eliminate future negative reviews and turn one customer’s bad experience into repeat business. One strongly worded, “thesis-length” negative review can dramatically alter public perception of you or your brand.

One of the great places to showcase your best reviews and testimonials is on your business website. This allows people to quickly review previous customers’ positive experiences and provide validation and assurance that they will have a good experience and outcome when doing business with your firm.

We begin with a free, no-obligation Brand Reputation Audit that defines the current state of your business' online reputation. If you have a stellar reputation, we'll discuss with you how best to maintain that reputation. If it's less than stellar, we discuss ways to improve your reputation, monitor what people are saying about you online, and minimize negative reviews going forward using the TrustStars™ program.
It's all discussed in a comprehensive report explaining the truth about your online reputation. We've also included some recommendations so that you can get more positive online reviews to improve your "star rating" and increase the chances that new customers will want to do business with your firm.
Request your report.